Investors Information

Corporate Advisor of the Company

Cornelius, Lane & Mufti, (CLM)
Advocates & Solicitors, Nawa-e-Waqt House,
4 Shahrah-e-Fatima Jinnah, Lahore – 54000
PABX: +92 (0) 42 36360868; 36360824; 36306301
Fax: +92 (0)42 36303301


In terms of Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) General Order, 2009, your company contributed in the following areas during the financial year beginning on or after July 2014:

(i) Energy Conservation: Project to switch over lighting and inverters to energy saving devices was initiated and is under implementation in phases. This will partly offset the impact of power hikes.

(ii) Environmental management system; ISO 14001: During the year the company obtained certification for ISO 14001, after completing all the terms of ISO 14001 effectively.

(iii) Business Ethics: Strict ethics were followed in all business dealings.

(iv) Contribution to Downstream Units & Industrial Park Owner Welfare Association: During the year the company has donated Rs 135,000.

(v) Contribution to National Exchequer: The group met all its obligations towards payments of income tax, sales tax and other government levies aggregating Rs. 920 million for the year ended 30th June, 2015.